I love the Bible. I love the Word of God. Without it I have no life or being. One of the reasons for my love is the mysteries contained in the New Testament.
A mystery is a hidden truth that is now being revealed by God in the New Testament. These hidden truths were not revealed nor slightly mentioned in the Old Testament. But you cannot understand the mysteries of the New Testament without having a good grasp of what God has said in the Old Testament. The word “mystery” is mentioned twenty-six times in the New Testament and found nowhere in the Old Testament.
Ephesians 2:14-16 is such a mystery, as it talks about Christ as our Peace. It says, “For He is our peace, who has made both one and has broken down the middle wall of partition between us. Having abolished in His flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances, for to make Himself of twain, one new man, so making peace. And that He might reconcile both unto one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby.” What an awesome word!
For generations God had declared for Himself chosen people, who were called the Jews. They were all descendants of Abraham. The Almighty and Living God, had a special relationship with the Jews, like He had with no other people of the earth. Their relationship was built and cemented upon the Law that God gave to Moses. Because of this Law, the Jews believe, with good reason, they were special to God, and God was special to them. They were the only Sons of God on earth in their eyes. But, Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, was our peace. His death on the cross, broke down the division and enmity between Jews and Gentiles.
When Jesus died, the bible says, the veil of the Temple was torn down in tow. With His flesh, Jesus broke down the middle wall of the partition that kept Jews and Gentiles separated. The purpose of Jesus’ death on the cross was not only to bring salvation to the world by grace, but to bring forth One New Man.
Jesus Christ has formed the two antagonistic groups of Jews and Gentiles into a single new group called the Church. The Church is the One New Man of God. He did so by removing the middle wall of the partition, that is the Mosaic Law. The law was meant to show His chosen people what sin was and to protect them from pagan corruption. Over time, the Jews misconstrued the purpose of the Law and added to the Law. And as a result, they felt superior to the rest of the world, (Gentiles)/ Their superiority complex created enormous enmity, which is hate between the Jews of the world and the Gentiles of the world. That is why we see what we are seeing today.
Only Jesus is our peace. Only Jesus is the solution for there to be peace in the World. God thru Jesus Christ, has created One New Man, the church to establish peace. The Christian Church as the New Man, should be endeavoring to keep the unity of the church so as to bring and establish peace. The Bible explains this in Ephesians 4:4-6. It says, “There is one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism and one God and Father of us all.”
The Body of Christ can only fulfill this mission of peace if it humbles itself and operates under the mystery of this hidden truth. The Christian Church is not about any of us, it’s about the ONE NEW MAN.
Gilbert Owens is the minister at Kingdom of God Ministries.